Do You Have To Renew A Tenancy Agreement


If the landlord and tenant agree, they can extend or extend the lease for another fixed term. This agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties. A lessor is not obliged to renew or extend a temporary lease agreement. A periodic lease is the legal name of a continuous lease with no set end date. If you renew a lease, you must ensure that it complies with the prohibition on rental fees. All taxes agreed before 1 June 2019 are valid until 31 May 2020. However, this only applies to existing treaties. Any new lease, and this includes renewals, must comply with the prohibition on rental fees. To learn more, click here.

If you renew the lease, you will only need to re-register the deposit if the conditions change. If the conditions (including rent) and the amount of the deposit remain the same, you do not need to notify your system. However, if the lease has changed, you must inform the system you are using and re-register the deposit. There is a reservation there. Conditions may vary from system to system. Check with the deposit guarantee you use to find out if you need to re-register the deposit. If the contract does not have the possibility of breaking prematurely, but you still have to leave, you should discuss the problem with the landlord or agent and he may be willing to exempt you from the contract prematurely, provided that you bear the reasonable costs and rent they could lose. If you are in a house/roommate, another option may be to change tenants and replace you with a new person in the contract.

Also, as a landlord, you need to recreate some rental-related documents during the extension, so the extension actually offers more opportunities to get things wrong and create problems for the future. If there is no new lease, a landlord can terminate the tenant. This only applies if the initial fixed term has expired and has become a “periodic lease”. . . .

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