Call Center Services Agreement


“Order” refers to a customer`s order for services received on a customer order form or communicated by other means by the customer at 4.1.4 Not acting, acting or allowing the use of services in any way that may affect or damage individuals (whether employees, representatives or representatives of, goods or services, or in any other way the quality of services; The average wait time (AWT) is the average wait time for the customer in line before it is answered. This indicator contains only accepted calls. Cases where customers hang up before responding and the time they have waited are not taken into account. Average Speed of Answer (ASA) is the method of measuring the average response speed of a call centre specialist. This indicator contains the waiting time of the entire customer in line before responding without the time of the IVR navigation process. 9.1 may terminate this contract without delay in writing to the Client if;- 10.8 The Client cannot surrender or surrender all or part of his rights or obligations under this Agreement, unless is required to permit it under law or regulation. has the right to transfer all or part of this agreement to third parties. The reference to in these Terms and Conditions is defined as a reference to their beneficiaries of the transfer. 10.2 Non-exercise by of any of their rights under these Terms is not a waiver of the forfeiture of those rights.

No explicit or implied waiver of may be conceived as a permanent waiver, nor to act on that offence or a subsequent offence, or to impose a condition and condition. No concessions granted by to the client are considered a waiver or forfeiture and do not affect the exercise of rights (whether the client acted in the same way or received prior notification withdrawing that concession). 8.3 rights within the meaning of item 8.1 may be exercised for the period reasonable judgment. However, if the blackout period is more than 60 days, has the right to terminate the contract after 14 days of written notification to the customer. In these circumstances, the provisions of paragraphs 9.4 to Unless expressly stated in this agreement with respect to the provision of services, are expressly or implied either in either contract or contract, either for unlawful acts (including negligence and breach of legal obligations) or by any other means and conditions , guarantees, conditions, insurance and obligations, or unspoken ( ( 2) in the common law or by other means). “phone number,” the telephone number assigned to a customer that allows access to services. General: None of the parties is required to purchase or sell items or to proceed with a proposed transaction under this Agreement.

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