This prior authorization is not required if you perform during your secondment/detachment (lasting less than 90 days): to eradicate fraud and undercover work, the French authorities control the detachments in France. Stricter rules and heavier administration are now in place and tougher penalties will be imposed on employers and their workers who do not comply with the rules. However, there is some relief in the form of exceptions and exceptions on a case-by-case basis. If you are a model or part of a model`s technical support team (hairdresser, make-up artist, photographer, agent, etc.) and you have signed a collaboration contract with a Model agency with a French license, you must submit your visa application accompanied by the cooperation agreement form for foreign models offering services in France, which will be completed by your agency. 1 “detachment of workers” is the generic term used in the European Union. This practice is called “detachment” in the United States and other geographic regions. You must sign a training contract (pdf) (only in French) with your employer, training organisation or host company. It must be included in your visa application. The “detachment of workers”, a common practice within the European Union, concerns the allocation of a worker to work temporarily in another EU Member State (the “host country”).1 Under this scheme, also known as secondment, the seconded worker works in the host country but is not fully integrated into the labour market of the host country. On the contrary, the employer places the worker in the host country for a short-term task (for example.B. the transfer may not exceed five years if the transfer is made between France and the United States), during which the worker maintains the working relationship with the original employer. During the secondment period, seconded staff continue to work for the original employer and work on instruction from the sending employer, although they work in the host country.
In addition, social security contributions must be paid to the State of origin, provided the duration of the secondment does not exceed 24 months. Article 12 of Regulation (EC) 883/2004 exempts posted workers from paying social security contributions in the host Member State for up to 24 months of secondment. However, Article 16 of Regulation (EC) 883/2004 authorizes the competent authorities of two or more Member States to enter into agreements providing for exemptions from the rules applicable to detachments of up to five years. 2 Workers from non-EU countries (commonly referred to as “third countries”) must obtain a work visa before the start of a secondment. This requirement may vary depending on the worker`s country of origin and does not apply to EU nationals or citizens.
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